Robert Wrembel
An associate prof. in the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications, at Poznan University of Technology; a deputy dean in terms 2008-2012 and 2012-2016. Involved in 8 research and 8 industrial projects in the area of data processing technologies; consultant at software house Rodan Systems (2002-2003); lecturer at Oracle Poland (1998-2005). A visiting scholar at: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), Université Lyon 2 (France), Targit (USA), Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica), Klagenfurt University (Austria), Loyola University (USA). A graduate from a 2-months innovation and entrepreneurial programme at Stanford University. Received IBM Shared University Research Award, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Service Award, IBM Faculty Award. Country representative in IFIP Technical Committee – Software: Theory and Practice, and a chair of IFIP Working Group – Database.